The Covid West: An Alternative History, 12:03
Albuquerque, New Mexico
A classified, party-backed vaccine is developed in the makeshift laboratory of a civilian biochemist turned political prisoner- the peculiarly named ‘simulation 631991’.
“The Covid West is a reaction to the abiding anxieties surrounding the political, economic and social impacts of the coronavirus outbreak as they continue to affect the modern western world, authored in the midst of a worldwide quarantine. As we struggle to cope with an increasingly fundamental mistrust of our governmental systems, we are also forced to question the sincerity of our leaders as we navigate a media culture awash in a cartoonish brand of absurdity that has never been seen before. The Covid West is a ‘neo-western’ that lives in a parallel universe not so distant from ours, setting a scene that belies the tenor of a traditional socioeconomic landscape- a world where scientists are held hostage in their basements for political gain, and injecting disinfectant is much less newsworthy than it is mundane. The film was shot, edited and produced on location in Albuquerque, New Mexico during quarantine with 54 dollars and a crew of four, (including on screen talent) three of which were green to traditional production workflows. The director, cinematographer, sound person, editor, writer and producer Alan Jensen is a commercial cinematographer based in New York, originally from Albuquerque.”
Shot and edited in March / April of 2020
Simulation 631991: Gerald Gale
Assistant Camera: Alyssa Jensen
Director, Editor and Cinematographer: Alan Jensen
Douglas Wood - MOON NIGHTCLUB (Rythm, Industrial Underscore, 1976)
Dom - SILENCE (Edge Of Time, 1970)
Fraction - COME OUT OF HER (Moon Blood, 1971)
Alessandro Alessandroni - LA PARTENZA (I Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni, 1970)
Denny Gerard - HOLE IN MY SHADOW (Sinister Morning, 1970)